Hyssop essential oil, hyssopus officinalis, has been used for anxiety, hypertension, normalizes circulation, fades bruises and helps in respiratory problems. It is used to regulate the blood pressure as a general nerve tonic, and for states of anxiety or hysteria. Hyssop essential oil is an expectorant, diaphoretic, stimulant, pectoral, and carminative. The healing virtues of the plant are due to a particular volatile oil, which is stimulative, carminative and sudorific. It admirably promotes expectoration, and in chronic catarrh its diaphoretic and stimulant properties combine to render it of especially good value.
Hyssop is an attractive perennial, almost evergreen subshrub up to 60cm high with a woody stem, small lance-shaped leaves and purpleish-blue flowers. Essential oil extracted by steam distillation from the leaves and flowers. Hyssop is cultivated for the use of its flower-tops, which are steeped in water to make an infusion, which is sometimes employed as an expectorant. There are three varieties, known respectively by their blue, red and white flowers, which are in bloom from June to October, and are sometimes employed as edging plants. As a kitchen herb, it is mostly used for broths and decoctions, occasionally for salad. For medicinal use the flower-tops should be cut in August, during the proper lunar cycle.
Hyssop essential oil, hyssopus officinalis, blends well with the following essential oils: clary sage, lavender, rosemary, myrtle, sage, and all citrus oils.
Hyssop oil cautions - Do not use on epileptics, as it can be toxic. Non-irritant, non sensitizing; the oil is moderately toxic due to the pinocamphore content. To be used only in moderation and avoided in pregnancy and by epileptics. Contra-indicated in cases high blood pressure.
Hyssop essential oil properties - astringent, antiseptic, antiviral, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, nervine, sedative, tonic.
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