Valerian essential oil, valeriana officinalis, has been used for hypochondria, nervous headaches, irritability, mild spasmodic affections, diarrhea, epilepsy, migraine headaches, croup, and hysteria. Valerian essential oil can also be effective in treating convulsions, vertigo, nervous cough, delirium, neuralgia, muscle and stomach cramps, spasms, palpitations, gas, colic, depression, panic attacks, emotional stress, PMS, menstrual cramps, despondency, and insomnia.
Valerian, valeriana officinalis, is a tallish plant with clusters of pink or, less commonly, white flowers. A perennial grows to 4-5 feet tall, with leaves strongly divided, pinnate with lance-shaped leaflets; lower ones toothed. Tiny, pale pink to whitish, tubular flowers, grow in three-forked terminal heads in tight clusters; each flower has a small, inrolled calyx at the base; as the fruits form, the calyces become feathery parachutes. Blooms June to July.
Valerian essential oil blends well with the following essential oils: patchouli, oakmoss, pine, lavender, cedarwood, mandarin, petitgrain and rosemary.
Valerian root oil cautions - Non-toxic, non-irritant, possible- sensitization. Use in moderation.
Valerian root oil properties - Anodyne, antidandruff, diuretic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, carminative, depressant of the central nervous system, hypnotic, hypotensive, regulator, sedative, stomachic.
Essential Natural Oils is offering pure and best quality Valerian Essential Oil at wholesale price from the renowned manufacturer HBNO inc.This calming essential oil has a strong aroma that is considered an acquired scent by some.