Catnip essential oil, nepeta cataria, is said to control fever, good for colic, colds, flu, inflammation, pain, chickenpox, leaves chewed to relieve toothache, and convulsions. Catnip stimulates the appetite, aids digestion and sleep, relieves stress, promotes sweating, relieves painful menstruation, and is used to promote menstruation. Popular uses in Europe are for chronic bronchitis and for diarrhea. Producing free perspiration, it is very useful in colds. An injection of Catnip Tea is also used for colicky pains. Catnip may be combined with other agents of a more decidedly diaphoretic nature. Equal parts of warm catnip tea and saffron are excellent in scarlet-fever and small-pox, as well as colds and hysterics. It will relieve painful swellings when applied in the form of a poultice or fomentation.
Catnip is a perennial herb of the mint family. Its erect, square, branching stem is hairy and grows from 3-5 feet high. The bilabiate flowers are white with purple spots and grow in spikes; these are small and hooded. The plant has a pleasant, aromatic odor. And it seems to be a fact that plants transplanted are always destroyed by cats unless protected, but they never meddle with the plants raised from seed, being only attracted to it when it is in a withering state, or when the peculiar scent of the plant is excited by being bruised in gathering or transplanting.
Catnip essential oil, nepeta cataria, blends well with the following essential oils: geranium, rosemary, lavandin, sage, and citronella.
Catnip essential oil cautions - Non-irritant and non-sensitzing, but it can have possible toxic effects in concentration. Always use in moderation. Avoid during pregnancy.
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