Clove Bud oil, syzgium aromaticum, is a strong germicide, a powerful antiseptic, a local anaesthetic applied to decayed teeth, and has been used with success as a stimulating expectorant in phthisis and bronchial troubles. Clove bud essential oil is used in dental preparations, and as a fragrance component in toothpastes, soaps, toiletries, cosmetics and perfumes. Extensively employed as a flavour ingredient in major food categories, alcoholic and soft drinks.
Clove is a slender evergreen tree up to 39ft high. Its bright green leaves stand in pairs on short stalks. The long buds have a rosy-pink corolla at the tip; as the corolla fades the calyx turns red. At the start of the rainy season long greenish buds appear. The spice was introduced into Europe from the fourth to the sixth century. Believed to be native to Indonesia; now cultivated worldwide, especially in the Philippines, the Molucca Islands and Madagascar. The main oil-producing countries are Madagascar and Indonesia. Clove bud oil is steam distilled from the bud of the plant. If distilled with water, salt must be added to raise the temperature of ebullition and the same Cloves must be distilled over and over again to get their full essence. The oil is frequently adulterated with fixed oil and oil of Pimento and Copaiba.
Clove Bud essential oil, syzgium aromaticum, blends well with the following essential oils: rose, lavender, vanilla, clary sage, bergamont, bay leaf, lavandin, allspice, ylang ylang.
Clove essential oil cautions - SKIN IRRITANT! Not recommended for skin applications. DO NOT use on damaged or sensitive skin. DO NOT use as a teething medicine for babies! It is far too harsh on their tender gums. All clove oil can cause skin and mucous membrane irritation; clove bud and stem oil may cause dermatitis. Clove bud is the least toxic of the tree oils because of its lower eugenol percentage. Use in moderation only, in low dilution (less then 1 percent)
Clove bud essential oil properties - Contains antiseptic properties, best used in a diffuser or vaporizer to help purify the air during cold and flu season. Anthelmintic, antibiotic, antisphrodisiac, emetic, antihistaminic, antirheumatic, antineuralgic, antioxidant, antiseptic, counterirritant, expectorant, stimulant, spasmolytic, stomachic, vermifuge.
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